PID/HVS effect description

Crystalline silicon P-type solar panels connected in strings to transformer less inverters in operation are exposed to a negative potential to ground. Depending on their position in the string, a different high electric potential between solar cell and panel frame appears and causing a leakage current flow from the cell to frame/structure to ground.

This effect has a deep impact on the power productivity of the solar panels and to the energy yield of PV power plants.

Depending on the installation design and environmental conditions of the PV System, The solar panels can reach degradations up to 30 % or even up to 80 % in specific cases.


Recovery Example on 250 Wp solar panels

  • Just 3 days after installing the PV Power Booster, the performance of the PV modules was improved to over 90% of the original performance.
  • The required temperature should be higher as 10°C and the humidity higher as 60%

Module power recovery in relation between power and time

  • The power of the PV module, which was decreased to 30 % , could be improved after implementation of the PV performance Power Booster to approximately 80% of the initial panel power.
  • In the second case where the power of the PV module was decrease to 70 %, could be improved to more than 90% of the initial module power.
  • As the recovery process takes more time it can be assumed that further recovery can be generated in term of half to oneyear view.

The required temperature should be higher as 10°C and the humidity higher as 60% .

Reference Example in relative of the negative potential to ground

  • The voltage of negative side PV module is obviously lower than that of positive side.
  • The voltage in the PV modules that are near the negative pole is therefore significantly lower than the PV modules that have no negative potential against earth.
  • After installing the Power Booster, the voltage of the PV modules near the negative pole was raised to more than 90% of the string voltage.